Sunday, November 24, 2013

Task Assignment: 11/15-11/21 (UPDATED!)

For this week I will

1) add logic to the smoke creature to make the creature disappear when it collide with the players weapon.

I was able to get this logic working in my blender file but I found that the smoke monster would collide with the the players weapon and disappear even if the player did not intentionally swing the weapon (since the weapon is always in the scene).  So I added an additional sensor to check if the player has clicked pressed the swing button as well.

2)  add logic to have the smoke creature track the player

Added logic to the smoke monster to have it follow the player.  The smoke monster will spawn at key points in the map when the player gets close enough and follow the player until it attacks the player or the player attacks it.

3) Poster
I created one of the posters that we presented to the class
and created a concept for a new poster with less words and more of a visual focus which will be in the style of a newspaper.

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